Construction is starting to finally wind down and it's time for pictures of our project's Phase 2 (out of 3). Here are some before and after pictures of Phase 2 and a little description of each step to give you an idea what is happening.
Before photos of our Personal Lines Department and the Front Reception area.

Up went the plastic and down came the far back wall to connect us with our newly acquired space. Also, the reception area walls and the office right across from our old entrance were torn down. We were making room and opening it all up!

Next, to start building! A new office went up at the end of the hallway where the far back wall USED to be!

Our breakroom was expanded by a couple feet and we installed plumbing so we could have running water and a full kitchen in our newly remodeled breakroom!

Opening up the space where our old reception area was, tearing down an office, and taking down the far back wall allowed us to put our Personal Lines Department all in one area and to ADD an additional space for our new Account Manager we have hired to help expand our growing Personal Department. We closed off our original entrance, which allowed us to create built-in spaces for more much-needed file cabinets. Also, we added a new office at the end of the hallway for our new Producer we have hired to help expand our agency.

By installing plumbing and expanding our breakroom, we were able to create a great space for our employees to relax on their well deserved breaks!

This is such a exciting time for Young & Associates Insurance! A big thank you to all of our customers and we appreciate your support. Stay tuned for details on our open house in August!
Specializing in MN & WI Insurance
202 W. Superior Street, Suite 400, Duluth, MN 55802
(218) 722-1481 • (877) 874-1000 toll free
Posted 5:17 PM Tags: construction project, expand, add, office, agency, insurance, duluth, mn, wi, account manager, producer, personal department
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